1. 你所浪费的今天,是昨天死去的人奢望的明天。你所厌恶的现在,是未来的你回不去的曾经。Today which you have wasted, is actually the tomorrow for those who died yesterday hope for. Your current situation that you hate now, will become the past that you cannot come back in the future.
2. 假如一个人的寿命为60岁,那么他总共只有21900天。一生时间的用途分别为:睡20年(7300天);吃饭6年(2190天);穿衣和梳洗5年(1825天);生病3年(1095天);打电话1年(365天),照镜子70天;抹鼻涕10天。最后只剩下3205天,即8年又285天,用来做你真正想要做的事情。 If the life of a person is 60 years old, then he will have a total of 21900 days during his lifetime. This lifetime will be used for: sleeping 20 years (7300 days); eating 6 years (2190 days); dressing and grooming 5 years (1825 days), fall sick 3 years (1095 days); talking on phone 1 year (365 days), make up/ looking at mirror 70 days; having runny nose 10 days. It left only 3205 days after deducting the above, ie 8 years and 285 days, for you to do what you really want to do.
3. 人开始时往往为梦想而忙,后来却因为忙碌而失去梦想。 Often people become busy when start pursuing their dream, but eventually people lost their dream due to busyness.
我在日本和秋天有个邂逅。 I was at Japan, falling in love with Autumn.
我是个有福的人,很幸运当时被公司委派去日本南部考察。 I always feel that I am a very lucky person. I was being selected by my organization for a study trip to South Japan. 除了考察,当然是尽最大力气去看、去逛、去记住这个美丽的国都,同时享受秋天的宁静。 Other than learning the Japanese system,
of course with the greatest effort to see, to visit as many places as I
can and to remember this beautiful country, as well as enjoying the serenity of the Autumn. 日本的北九州市(Kitakyushu-shi),是个非常舒服的地方。 Kitakyushu-shi is a very nice and comfortable place. 其让人感觉舒服的部分是拥有宽敞的空间,宽敞的行人道,建筑之间也不会让你感到很有压迫感,就是协调得很自然。 It has a very spacious environment, wide pedestrian walk
way, the setting between buildings also does not make you feel
oppressive; it is just so naturally coordinated.
这里地方虽然很大但却不是大城市,这里的生活步骤也不快。 Kitakyushu-shi is quite a big area/ district, but it is not a metropolis. The life at here is also just in a moderate pace. 你会看到很多老人家在路上行走,都很独立却也是孤独的。 You will see a lot of elderly on the road, they are very independent, but I also see the lonely shadow of them. 这里不喧闹,路上的汽车也不多。 This is a very peaceful and quite place, there was not many cars on the road as well.
秋天的气候寒冷凉快,这里的一切一切美得让人想恋爱。 The cold and cool climate of Autumn, the mountain, the
people, the land and sky, everything here was so beautiful until made
you feel you want to be in love. 当时的我很有感触地在心头里想,如果我有爱人,能够和她在这寒冷的秋天,手牵手漫步在这秋叶转红的道路;那么此刻世间不再无需语言,寒冷变得多么的美,因为我牵着你温暖的手心。 I was very touched with the beauty of this land and was
thinking in my heart that, if I have a lover and could hand in hand walk
along this red autumn leaves' road, then this world is no longer require any language during that moment but just feel the beauty of serenity and the cold; because I have you with me, I am holding your warm hand. 幸福其实就是当你感觉当下那一刹那拥有着不变不移的永恒。这不也是一种浪漫吗? Happiness is when you feel the inalienable eternal in the flash of present moment. I think it is also a kind of romantic, isn't it?
我怀念日本秋天的美。 I miss the beauty of the autumn in Japan.
我不知此生还有没有因缘再踏足日本,但是我希望日后有机会和爱人漫步在日本这宁静的秋季道路,看秋叶转红,看它被风吹起的妩媚...... I do not know whether I will be able to
set foot in Japan again or not in the rest of my life, but I am looking
forward for the opportunity to walk along this peaceful and serene Autumn road in Japan, with my lover, to see the autumn leaves turn red,
to see it's windblown charming......
谨以此文献给我远方的日本朋友,小浜須賀子。 This article is dedicated to my dearest Japanese friend, Obama Sugako-san.
人,真的可以很无耻。 为了自己的利益,可以给你无端端加上罪名。 面对人、处理人的事情的工作,真的很累。 内部处于动荡不安的时候,外面又不时有炮火射过来,内忧外患,简直是时时刻刻都在准备挡箭。 最近和上头H医生讨论一个个案,他说:“这是一个很挑战的个案,不简单。你需要慢慢来,bla bla bla....如果你成功协助这个病人回去做工,那你将会得到一种满足与成就感。” 其实,我当时心里是这样想的: 当我们在工作上所面对的问题与困境,每次向高层提出后都没有被高层解决,反而让多数员工都学到了高层的标准回答“你们必须要和各个部门沟通,你们必须加强沟通能力与技巧,你们必须懂得分配时间”。 那种让我们自生自灭的无助感,同时工作方面明显的不平衡对待,再加上越来越多丧心病狂不符合资格的病人所制造的麻烦都抛给我们去收手尾,导致我们员工所承受的压力不降反增,进而对于工作所产生的不满。这种不满其实已经大大掩盖了那极为稀有的成功个案所带来的满足与成就感。当不满已经超越了成就感呈现不平衡,这时所谓的成就感已没有什么价值了。 但我没对H医生这么说。 今天看到一个video clip,还算蛮幽默的。 我其实已经像以下这个video的阿叔所说的这样想了: “I tell you har....one day har....I am going to quit this nightmare。”